Archive for August, 2011

To The Cretins In Power!

 All you cretins who are in positions of power and influence in this world who believe that the world is
overpopulated and that all, what you call “useless eaters” should be exterminated by any and all means,
I have one statement for you and it is this “YOU FIRST” I would be more inclined to believe what you
say if you put your money where your mouth is and start with the problem “YOU” The problem I have with
you people is, it’s never you and your family it’s always everyone else and their family, what makes you so
special that you and yours are never included?.

Here’s my take “YOU ARE THE PROBLEM NOT THE MASSES”. You have been given a few centuries to
make this place fit for everyone to live in, YOU HAVE FAILED MISERABLY so now give it up you are all
useless eaters so put your money where your mouth is and VOLUNTEER TO GO FIRST, no!, I thought
not, cowards as well eh?

You are all total failures in everyone’s eyes except your own, to make you feel better you blame us for the
failure to do your job you were elected to do, you have brought the world to the brink of destruction with
intent and treachery to your brethren.

You could have fixed the problems and become hero’s but that was not the intent, we are now waiting
for your latest piece of treachery and that is the fall of all the worlds fiat currency, well bring it on you
cretins I’m bloody fed up with waiting, I think you will all rot in hell of your own making on this planet
a hell brought about by you cretins “ENJOY IT YOU DESERVE IT, SEE YOU THERE”

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Global Non-Compliance

It is my opinion that the people of the world are slowly and systematically being robbed of their wealth and their freedoms in order that a few elitists can own the planet.

They are not happy that they have most of the wealth and lead a great life with several houses in many Countries, own aeroplanes, boats and all the trappings that the other 99 per-cent of the people would love just to have a share in. No they want it all, they want to own the planet with everything in it and on it and to make everyone a slave to their every whim, everyone that’s left that is.

It is my opinion that these elitists are insane, they have had their humanity ripped out of them, they have absolutely no empathy whatsoever for what they do and condone in their name to other living souls, human and animal they just don’t care about us (Michael Jackson was bang on target), we are the enemy to their system as we have been successful in slowing down the enslavement but we need to go much further than that, we need to bring them down in a peaceful way, we need to stop complying with their system.

The best part is we gave them permission to do it, in other words we are murdering ourselves through lack of attention, apathy and it pains me to write it, but we are paying them to carry out a systematic robbery and culling of everyone on the planet except for a few that they need to service their every need, how crazy is that.

The world is not as we see it, we have been indoctrinated from our very first breath on this planet, given away by our parents to a system of total control, yes our parents were apathetic, and so was I because I registered all four of my children to this cruel system of dominance we are living under. You are all born dead, lost at sea in your ship waiting to be docked in some de-facto court so they can imprison or fine you on any pretense with not one injured party to be seen.

I know I’m preaching to the converted here on this blog as most likely the only people reading it are awake to elitists dream of owning the world lock stock and barrel, so this message has to go out to the masses in hopes that it gets a few more slaves digging for the treasure of the real truth instead of Gold for the Annunaki insert New World Order. You do not have to believe a word I write, if you happen to read this blog and are not awake all I ask is you investigate it yourself I am sure you will find plenty of evidence to the facts I have stated.

Human’s of this Planet Earth, for heaven’s sake wake up, question everything around you, question every politician, every government agent, dig for that treasure of truth, wake up to the fact that we are not free, that ‘s an illusion the elitists want us to believe by giving us elections, with a choice of two or three major parties that they have in their pockets every four or five years or whatever it happens to be in your Country (you do not get to be a leader of a party unless they allow it), we have no such thing as free and fair elections, we never have and never will , until we unite and tell these psychopaths that they are surplus to requirements.

Unless humanity wakes up in huge numbers very soon the prison doors will slam shut and the elitists will have everything, whoever remains alive will be numbered and controlled throughout their miserable existence and we would have done it all ourselves because we were not interested in what was going on around us as we watched the box and got boozed up every Friday and Saturday.

join the peaceful Global Non-Compliance effort to stop this take over of the world and recruit many more before it’s too late. Remember we are all born equal nobody stands above anyone unless we consent, they get our consent through deceitful adhesion contracts meant to deceive.

Update: The website above has been taken down, I don’t know if it was taken down by the owners of the domain or if it was taken down by government.

There is a twitter account where current and past information is available, please follow and recruit other to follow also, we need big numbers Global Non-Compliance Tweet Account

Get out of the box a talk by Mark Foster part one of six.

Birmingham Mass Megaphone Mission 20th August 2011


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Why?…because I am sick of

being lied to, being stolen from, being treated like a fool, being ignored, being taxed, being  photographed and surveilled, being deprived of my freedoms, being deprived of my rights, being coerced, being disenfranchised…

I am sick of the wars, the killing, the carpetbaggers, the dishonest politicians, the jobs for the boys, the sleaze, the corruption, the lack of a voice thats heard, the Liebore party , the
CON servantmasters, the Lib-Dumps, the imperialist american govt., the hipocrites in positions of power,the insider dealing, the banker w*nkers, the arrogant rich, the drug dealers, the ams sellers…

I am sick of the fact they let people starve to death, the lack of humanity in governments, the oppression, the division, the sheer greed of the ruling elites,being blamed for the destruction
of the earth, being blamed for global warming whilst being exploited for profit by energy companies…

I am sick of radiation poisoning, chemical coshes for the populations,Monsanto and its killing products, GM foodstuffs and genetically modified animals and humans…

I am sick of false flags, the murder of innocent civillians for profit,armament companies, the corporate nightmare, the officious police, the indifferent and corrupt court systems, the
passports, the scanners…

But most of all i am sick of being told that I live in a Democracy and that my ‘vote’ counts, for that is the biggest lie and deception ever perpetrated on the peoples of this world, a lie
which has led to genocide on a massive scale, a lie that has kept the third world poor and the people there in poverty and starvation…

Thats why I am here, I am hoping that the people of the world will get behind this initiative and join together to peacefully put these controlling psychopaths in their place by using the
only weapon we really have, namely the mass withdrawal of our support which will hit them in the only place which will hurt them, in their wallets! for all they care about is OUR MONEY…deny

them that and we deny them the air that they need to survive…

So JOIN US and let us change the world that we inhabit, join together no matter what race, religion or creed we may be of, put aside our minor differences and let them not be a source of
division they can use against us again, show them we know what and who they are as well as what and who we are, show them we know we are all human and we are all equal, show them we will not maim and kill our brothers and sisters ever again at their behest, show them that their days have ended and WE, THE PEOPLE will have PEACE IN OUR TIME and our time is NOW, and their time is finally OVER if we stand together!


Thank you Indy it is a great post straight from your heart and I really appreciate the sentiment.ost put on our forum by Indy who is the moderator for Wales in the United Kingdom. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–

If you align with this heartfelf expression and you to are sick of it please consider joining the Global Non-Compliance Week and beyond and secondly if you have a twitter account please follow us on Twitter.

Thank you


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