Posts Tagged Education

I’m PAT And I Come to Serve!

PAT is a regular person who wants to know that our public office holders are doing their jobs properly. PAT also feels its time to scrutinise and hold office holders not upholding their agreed obligations to account by way of Legislation.

PAT works to provide a strong national voice and positive influence on the checks and balances needed for an equitable community.

  • Serving the common good
  • Non political
  • Seeking accountability
  • Evidencing all claims
  • Checks and balances

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Council Tax is a Fraud

Original Author and Source Awakend-GB

This post has been compiled using my own research and the comments at the bottom of this article:

I have been researching Council Tax for two years now and on reading the comments in the above article it was my opinion that they were really well researched and eloquently state.

Last year, when I spoke to the Revenues Manager at my local council regarding my own non-payment of council tax she repeated like a parrot ‘everybody has to pay council tax’. But my research has found that this false statement is protected and supported by a web of lies, fraud, and collusion carried out by the Police, Magistrates, and council workers.

Until enough people stop paying and explain to others their reasons for not paying many people will continue to be defrauded.

No Lawful Obligation to Pay

Original Source

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The difference between mail and post at law

This is not legal advice, this is just for educational purposes only, if you require legal advice see a lawyer or a solicitor;

Example of a Windowed Envelope, the window can be on the right, the left or middle of the envelope;

Good day from somewhere on planet Earth. We living souls are below the creator of all things, but above our created governments and corporations, we have no name, (there is no law that obligates us to have a name) we are undefinable by any man made word (spells);

Everything you received through your post box (which is your contracting venue) from any government official or agent is an offer to contract; you, hereinafter meaning the reader have the unalienable right to contract or not to contract with any entity; however, never ignore an offer as that will put you, in dishonour, always either;

  1. accept the offer (honourable)
  2. decline the offer using the method herein described (honourable)
  3. accept with conditions (conditional acceptance) (honourable)
  4. ignore (dishonourable)
  5. Argue (dishonourable)

In this post we are using method 2.

Note: important to realise all governments and their agents are corporations operating under corporate law;

For them to obligate you, there must be an expressed contract between “like” parties which at the very minimum must be a meeting of the minds, (i.e. an intent by the like parties to contract, no one can be forced/coerced into a contract against their will) there must be at least two wet ink signatures, one from each of the parties to the contract and valuable consideration, something of value for a fair and equitable exchange;

“like” means at least two natural living beings or two legal fictions but not a mixture of the two;

It is very important to comprehend the difference between “Post” and “Mail”, post is defined as a closed envelope with an actual physical address on its front and a physical return address on the back, paid for by a stick on postage stamp; Mail however is a “windowed envelope” where there is no address visible on the front and no return address or a PO Box number on the back; the envelope usually bears a red ink stamp, not a proper stick on postage stamp;

PO Box numbers are mailing addresses not postal addresses;

At law only “post” can create valid offers or acceptances as the contract comes within international postal law; “mail” has no legal validity and can be returned unclaimed as it is an offence for man or woman to open mail addressed to the name of a legal fiction and trust asset visible through the window; that name does not belong to that man or woman at law;

if this envelope comes as “post” bears the upper case Crown Copyright Logo which looks like your name it’s fraud and is attempted fraud if it comes in a windowed envelope as they are trying to get you to commit fraud by accepting the Crown Copyrighted Logo as your name; Return the unopened and unclaimed envelope to the sender within 72 hours. Acceptance of their offer is fraud first on their part and then on yourself if you accept it by not returning it unopened and unclaimed.

To clarify: they use windowed envelopes to get around postal fraud hoping that you open the envelope so you commit the fraud by accepting mail not addressed to you; most people open the envelope thereby committing fraud, do not be one of them;

Example of a return to sender label (the blue lines are important) the text should be in blue ink not black as illustrated; sorry about the background;

Paste the return to sender label across the window of the windowed envelope at an angle of 45 degrees and return within 72 hours; important, to always mark the date and time you received and you returned on the envelope; (maybe you were on holiday when it arrived in your post box); the date you returned and picked the windowed envelope out of your post box is the day your received it, not the date they posted;

Note: if you opened the envelope in error you would have to use method 3 to remain in honour;

if there is no return address then you will have to do some detective work to find the correct physical address to return it, always find the CEO for that corporation or the government agent and office and return the mail to him or her; we normally put the windowed envelope into another manila envelope addressed to the CEO or to the government agent by his or her name dba (whatever office) using the post office registered or signed for post service;

Keep a record of every transaction on file; take a photograph of the windowed envelope when it arrives, front and back, take a photograph of the returned envelope which you completed before taking it to the post office as registered or signed for post; clip your registered number receipt to the file and when you have the signature of whomever received the envelope clip that to the file, in other words record everything you do for evidence purposes should it go to a court of record;

we, have been using method 2 for the last three years to return “mail” sent to the legal fiction and trust asset; sent by the Commissioner For Revenue on the jurisdiction where we dwell in the private as a peaceful inhabitant;

We must all lose the fear and do our little bit for the freedom of us all.

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